Q&A escap1
5. Reverse the question to find out how to sell your ideas. For instance, if the
exec asks how you plan to reach the student audience you can either answer them
directly, or reverse the question and say “What are your thoughts on how we should
reach them?”. Sales people use this trick. When a customer asks “what color does it
come in?” a smart sales person can learn what is important to the customer, and how
to close the sale, by reversing the question: “what color did you want?”. – See more
at: http://speakingppt.com/2011/01/23/9tipsquestions/#sthash.YNOBXzn8.dpuf4. Do not flatter the questioner by saying “great question!” You will set up an
adversarial atmosphere where others in the room feel their questions were not great.
If their boss is also in the room they will try to save face or otherwise jockey for
position by trying to ask even better questions. Instead, say things like “I’m glad you
asked that” or “that goes back to my main point about…” but don’t use words that
grade their questions. – See more at:
http://speakingppt.com/2011/01/23/9tipsquestions/#sthash.YNOBXzn8.dpuf1. Ask to hold questions until the end if possible, rather than allowing questions
to interrupt throughout your presentation. You want people to follow your
argument in the order you’ve planned it and constant interruptions will break
up the flow of your presentation and muddy the line of reasoning. Thorny
debates can completely derail your presentation. Holding questions until the
end is most appropriate if you’re presenting to a large group than in a meeting
room with a few colleagues. – See more at:
http://www.ljlseminars.com/question.htmHow to Handle That Dreaded Question & Answer
Lenny Laskowski
© 1998 LJL Seminars
http://www.ljlseminars.compdf version
inShare4Many presentations today are followed up with a question and answer…