
Townes Self-concept essay Can you imagine a life with five kids well I don’t have to imagine it I live it! Welcome to the life of Amber Clark. Well my kids are all under the age of five youngest two are twins! Surprise surprise and on top of that I’m only nineteen. It’s been one crazy life. This is how I became mature, caring, and patient. This has been a long road of living and learning to adjust. I started out thirteen being pregnant and learning how to adapt to a child while being a child. My son was what changed me for the best.

I learned how to be a mother and daughter all at the name time talking about tough. All of these things showed me what my new hobby was taking care of small children. Long behold when I turned fourteen only six months after having my son I got pregnant with my daughter. When I had her I was a young single mother struggling through high school. I was trying to Juggle getting kids fed, bathed, and off to bed with doing homework. Well that didn’t work to well so I had to change my priority from still wanting to have friends and text while trying to focus on all these things to just school and kids.

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It all paid off I got caught up with school and met my amazing Cubans. When we met I then had to learn a whole new set of things to make things work in a order. He is the one who taught me how to keep my motivation and learn what ever I want to do I could achieve. Since he came into my life I had my third child and got through high school and even graduated with my class. Together we learned how to communicate and love. We learned that together we could get through everything so guess to sum it up teamwork. He was my rock to lean on and what help me keep going.

Then this past year we had twins Oh so much of a change. We had to change a lot and learn to adapt and be patient to wait for things we wanted to happen sooner. So now I am working hard on trying to get my RAN. Its a lot of things to have to be patient about and live and learn. My life has been this crazy roller coaster ride but loops and turns are always fun because you get ready for what is going to come next. This is my life my transitions, my headaches, and where my laugher stays. Life is a process but guess you got to live it and see what’s at the end of the roller coaster. Self-Concept Essay By emblematically