Ultimate Gift

The Ultimate Gift Jason never really liked his grandfather. He was never there for him. Soon, the grandfather died. He had lots of money, but he gave none to his family. He only made a video for Jason so that he could give Jason the ultimate gift. First, Jason learned the gift of work. He learned to put all he could to what he had to do. We sometimes don’t always put our best foot forward and we need to remember to appreciate the gift of work. Next, Jason learned the gift of friends. He went out and made a friend with a little girl named Emily. She promised to always be his friend and she kept her word.

He also learned the gift of the value of money. He went out and spent his money on Emily family in need. We should be like that. We should be willing to give, because we have so much and people have so little out there. We need to learn to be humble and give from our heart. Jason was supposed to learn family, but he tried going to his family who was spoiled and who really needed these gifts. Jason Just ended up leaving. He instead made family with Emily. We need to learn that family is important and we should be grateful that we have them. They might sometimes do wrong, but at least they will always be there for us.

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He also got the gift of dreaming. He didn’t really know what his dreams were, but he gave dreams to the people he loved. We might know our dreams, but we should always try to help somebody else’s come true and that could also be our dream. Jason learned many things in life, 12 gifts from his grandfather, and the ultimate gift he got was becoming a better a person from those 12 gifts. We can also have those gifts if we accept them and do God’s will. He has given us many gifts already; we Just haven’t accepted all of them yet. Jason is now humble and true. We can also if we do one thing. Try. Kelsey Perez