Children of Israel

The History of the Children of Israel in the Holy Land The children of Israel are the descendants of Prophet Yahoo’s Jacob) who was the son of Prophet Isaiah (Isaac), son of Prophet Breathed (Abraham), peace be upon them all. Their history in the Holy land started when Prophet Breathed, peace be upon him, migrated from Iraq to Sham (which comprises of modern day Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia) where his son Prophet Isaiah and grandson Prophet Yahoo’s were born.

In Sham Yahoo’s two wives gave birth to twelve of his children, who he subsequently migrated with to Egypt due to Sham being struck with famine for many years. This migration was in response to the invitation of his son Prophet Yahoos Joseph), peace be upon him. The children of Israelite in Egypt for two hundred years and suffered from much oppression from the Pharaohs during that time. Children of Israel (VII! A) I Children of Israel (J¤lip! Are mentioned in the Quern when referring to the Israelites.

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According to Islamic belief, the twelve tribes of Israel are the descendents f Yacht Jacob, also known salaries), who was the son of Isaac. This category is part of the following classification in the ontology: Concept (root) I Living Creation I Sentient Creation I Human I Historic People I Isaiah International: O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you and fulfill My covenant [upon you] that I will fulfill your covenant [from Me], and be afraid of [only] Me. Visual Concept Map The map below shows the part of the visual ontology for this concept. Children of Israel By Marshy