
Creating powerful leadership connectionsTOUCHPOINTS
Creating powerful leadership connections
Taking on leadership roles in any organization requires unique skill sets that not everyone aspires to possess. Putting yourself on the front line of a company comes with many risks and many rewards. Since companies and organizations change over time, so must their leaders. The book TouchPoints is a simple and effective tool to help current and aspiring leaders become the best they can be.The Power of a TouchPoint
What is a TouchPoint? Simply described, it is an opportunity, not an interruption, to make authentic connections with others and to enhance their lives by providing clarity, influencing, guiding, inspiring, creating a sense of urgency, and shaping the course of events. With as many disruption that happen during the workday, TouchPoints is a new way of shifting the way those interactions are treated as a positive experience.What does a TouchPoint look like in practice? 
Each day is a complicated web of interactions with other people. They can last a couple of seconds, a number of hours, or span over days. These TouchPoints can happen from planned sit-down talks to random chance meetings and can be in the form of casual or carefully thought out. They take place in the cafeteria, on manufacturing floors, in board rooms, on the phone, and even though e-mail or text messaging. The content also is varied from “to-the-point” action-items to complicated problems involving many people. Unfortunately, most leaders see these interactions as distractions that get in the way of their real work: the important work of strategizing, planning, and prioritizing. Only, these touch points are the real work. They are the moments that bring your strategies and priorities to life, the interactions that translate your ideas into new and better behaviors. How do you do that? By infusing each TouchPoint, no matter how brief, with greater clarity and…

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