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Valkyrie Crusade
Valkyrie Crusade Guide, Maiden Summon, Archwitch, Chronicle, Fusion, Upgrade, Evolution, Amalgamation, Events, Quests
Thursday, October 10, 2013Free Premium Ticket Redeem
If you just started playing Valkyrie Crusade, apart for the discounted premium summon ticket, for a limited period you can get a free premium summon ticket and stand a chance to summon awesome maiden in Valkyrie Crusade and possibly imba Event SR Maiden with additional damage on Archwitch. Thought i wouldn’t recommend using it on the current AW event as the 2 maiden card with archwitch damage isn’t really good enough.How to you get this Free Premium Summon Ticket ? is offering users who downloaded their app to redeem a free Valkyrie Crusade Premium Summon Ticket by entering the coupon code in Valkyrie Crusade. There are a total of 5000 Free Premium Summon to be redeem. You can check the current balance easily via this link it’s at 3950/5000 as of 11 Oct 2013.If you go ingame Notification > Present, you will find the above screen. The bottom section is where you enter the code from Gamegift. If you have friends who stay in Japan and bought the Appi magazine, you can get them to send you the code inside the magazine for the top section. That’s where I got my limited Edition Banshee Maiden Code =) I m hoping for Nubee to include a limited edition SR maiden for the upcoming code exchange. I m so so so gonna buy it haha.If you search for you should be able to find the apps on playstore unfortunately for those outside of Japan, we won’t be able to download it onto our mobile phone due the android market region restriction. I went to google abit on how to get around on this, like using the market enabler which you need to root your phone in order to access a different region android market blah blah but some how it didnt work as I didn’t want to root my Samsung Note 2. So after further…

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