
The way a person manages time effects the efficiency of their life. There are many ways that will help in time management. College students for example have many responsibilities. The top priority being school. Students must have time to go to class and show their best of their abilities to finish all work that needed to be done. Some students may have to fit work into their daily schedule. As Rock-Richardson describes, ?§As an undergrad, I put my self through two solid years of full-tuition college by working as a daycare provider [?K]?? (Rock-Richardson 12). In order to be successful at the tasks the student must eat properly and get enough sleep. The one thing that should be learned is motivation and the famous saying ?§Never give up.?? If a task must be done and it is felt that there is no time, that is just the misunderstanding of time. The first step in beginning better time management is to write it into an organizer. An organizer is the most helpful notebook a student can purchase. Carol Kanar says, ?§Your schedule is the result of the inward decision you make to control events instead of letting events control you?? (Kanar 93). For a student to remember important dates such as test dates they must be written down and observed. Major dates to remember are exam dates. There will be numerous tests and assignments during one quarter, which cannot be memorized. This organizing will help in figuring out how much study time there is before the actual date of the test. The best is to use ?§semester or quarter calendars, weekly schedules, and daily lists are three time-honored plans that have helped thousands of students [?K]?? ( Kanar 93). The feeling of organization brings a feeling of understanding. Goal setting is another main issue in managing time. Goal setting for grades has been proven to be very helpful. Once a goal has been set figure out the time it will take to achieve the goal. Setting priorities is a.

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