
What is a leprechaun? In modern America Leprechauns are still relevant and very popular especially on the holiday known as St. Patrick’s Day. However, most Americans fail to see the history behind the holiday and the tradition has taken over. Leprechauns in appearance are small men less than 24 inches in height with thick, red hair and a hat. They have pointed ears, large bushy sideburns or a full curly beard, sparkling green eyes, and light soft skin with red cheeks and nose (“What is A Leprechaun”). Leprechauns are mystical creatures that have been passed down through Irish folk stories (Sanders).  St. Patrick’s Day is one of the days in which this Irish folklore is celebrated amongst the whole world. St. Patrick’s is actually a Christian holiday but throughout the years it has been transformed into celebrating everything Irish (Gallagher) . Some of the stories told about Leprechauns date back to centuries ago, however they are still told to this day. Although Leprechauns are thought to be mystical creatures and the stories are centuries old , it is apparent that this ancient Irish folklore is still relevant to this day worldwide.
The word Leprechaun in Irish translates to “small body” referring to a small body creature or man. A leprechaun is a mythical Irish elf that protects the spot in which it lives somewhere between the reality and the mystical world. There are no female leprechauns, which brings the question in which how do they reproduce if they do exist (“What Is a Leprechaun”). Leprechaun are said to love their pipe, their alcohol and their alone time, but sometimes they can become social, and when this happens they love to dance and play around. A leprechaun is a small man less than 24 inches in height with thick, with red hair and a black hat. They have pointed ears, large bushy sideburns or a full curly beard, sparkling green eyes, and light skin with red cheeks and nose (“What Is a Leprechaun”). Their clothes are mostly green but might include a…

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