
Reading chapters one through three of The Public speaking Handbook, we learn that public speaking is an art form that can empower one to go beyond the normal means of just reading a speech. It brings forth the ability to GIVE a speech. Public speaking is a form of communication that is in almost every aspect of our lives. From talking to or friends or from sitting down for a job interview this form of communication is present. The definition of public speaking is “the process of presenting a message to an audience whether small or large”, and this is something we take part in daily. We spend every day talking and communicating although, public speaking does come naturally to some people but, it is a skill that is hard to obtain and fully master.
In the very first pages of the chapter there is a quote from former presidential speech writer James Humes and he says public speaking is “The Language of Leadership”. The way one approaches his audience, whether he is making a national state address or even just amongst friends, is the step in communicating. Communication is an action that creates an interaction and begets a transaction. We learn that at the same moments we send messages we receive them. How the audience sits, how much eye contact they provide, if the audience members are looking down and around the room this all ties into public speaking. When we pattern and deliver our speeches we always have to make our decisions with our audience in mind. Public speaking’s purpose is based off the ability to inform, to persuade and entertain. That ideal of capturing the attention of a listener can make or break a speech.
In the following chapters we are taught more along the lines of our own processes. How we perceive our own speaking skills and our self-esteem interact with one another and create anxiety. When anxiety is created it triggers the flight or fight response. Which, in turn, can actually benefit a speaker by providing them with a sense of readiness…

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