
As World War II came to an end, a new conflict emerged between the United States and the Soviet Union. This conflict, known as the Cold War, affected many regions of the world, including Europe, Asia, and Latin America. United States during the cold war was involved with many countries as well as the United Nations in trying to put an end to communist rule. The countries that we helped fight communism are now ruled under democratic rule. However, Cuba and Korea are still ruled under communism(ROI).
After World War II many countries that boarded along the Soviet Union were communist. The last country who fought off communism and called for the United Nations to send troops to help was Hungry. The soviet troops attacked Hungry. The Hungarian people pleaded to other countries and the United Nations for help. Hungarian forces were crushed and peasant governments were formed by the Prime Minister Janos Kadar. Germany was divided into west and east the west was under French, British, and United States sector. The east was ruled by the Soviet Sector a wall was put up and people were divided. For years the east and west were divided until the 1980’s when west and east becoming one country (doc 4). One country that remained neutral was India. India chose a path of nonalignment choosing this led them to freedom and a peaceful coexistence with other countries. By Another country that people had only a short time of freedom was Korea communist troops stormed threw North Korea and took over. Many people who didn’t agree with communist rule were killed.
By 1950’s to 1970’s Korean War and Vietnam war had many similarities. During this time heavy fight took place the United States and the Viet Cong had many casualties. The war lasted many years Vietnam still remained communist.
During this time the United States and Latin America were going g threw there own crisis. Cuba and the United States were in conflict over missiles that Russia had set up and were aimed towards…

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