Managing Fear

Dion Thomas
COM 1010MANAGING MY FEAR OF SPEAKING PUBLICLY IN A GROUP SETTING My anxiety level is in full throttle when I’m speaking in front of large groups. I mentally prepare myself for the possibility of sweating, stumbling over my words, and not catching my audience attention. No matter how much I rehearse in front of the mirror, my nerves tell me I will not do a good job while speaking to my audience. I know I’m not alone in my fear of public speaking, so therefore, I’ve accepted my flaws in this area and have found ways to have a better approach when speaking to groups and managing my fear.
I had a conversation with my husband, John Thomas, and he stated to me that my fear of public speaking is very common and it can determine what others think of me. He advised me to re-frame or change my negative thoughts to positive thoughts, and this will help me to control my anxiety. I even try to psyche myself into believing my anxiety always beat out the possibility that “I can’t do this” and this is simply not true.
Through research, I’ve learned that having a positive attitude, replacing negative emotions with positive ones, and learning to control my fear can boost my confidence level. I’m grasping these concepts and now use them when I have to speak publicly. I’ve also noticed that since I’ve been using these concepts, I have less anxiety and I feel my fear is inhibited through cognitive reappraisal since I’ve changed my attitude toward speaking in group settings.
Even though I have not mastered public speaking in group setting, I’ve accepted my fear and why I have it. I find that talking through casual conversation, I consider the person I’m talking to my audience. I’ve also noticed my body language, gestures, and my vocal tone. I’ve realize that this is exactly what I’ll do when speaking publicly; my approach will be as if I’m only talking to one person.
By taking this approach, this helps me to speak better and it gives me a level…

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