Observation Paper

Josh Dickey Intro to sinology April 18th, 2012 Observation Paper Doing an observation of someone you kind of have this idea in the back of your head of what kind of Job he has. I realized that the image you have in your mind really is just what the everyday person sees. While I observed Keith Eyelet I figured I would just see the same normal stuff that I see all the time when on the baseball field. I was wrong in so many ways.

Keith not only has to break down the swings of the hitters on the team and put them through drills so make sure their swing is where it needs o be; he also works with the position players as well on the fielding aspects on the game. Once he was done with the practice side of things, Keith went into his office and started making some phone calls to see if there were any kids who were on his list who were interested in attending the program for next season. After the phone calls had been made he went outside to what we on the team would call his second car.

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He started up the lawn mower and began mowing the field, which he does every single day. New things that I learned from Keith is that it takes a lot more then Just baseball knowledge to be a coach especially at the University level as he is. He must have a tremendous amount of patience to be able to accomplish as much as he does every single day, day in and day out. I truly got to see the passion and love of the game that he demonstrated to us every single day that most of us Just take for granted and don’t really pay attention to.

At the beginning on this paper I wrote how Keith works with the players on their specific needs and problems, I really saw that he is so devoted to making this team as great as it can be. If any one member went up to him and said ” hey Keith can you ass me some flips, my swing feels a little off’, he would drop what he was doing and be right there in the cage throwing you flips all night if that’s what it takes to make you feel comfortable for the next game.

I learned from observing Keith that its not always about thinking into the future of what is going to happen or what you need to do in the future, its about what can you do in the now to make a difference. This observation really made me see that my career choice in wanting to be a coach to the youth in baseball would be a great one for many reasons. Keith not only rove them to accomplish and be all they can be on the baseball field but he gave the sense that he is not only your coach but he is also your friend and is there for you no matter what the needs may be.

This was something I never would have seen or thought about in the coaching field if I wouldn’t have done this project. The second observation I did was on a physical education teacher. Teaching kids doesn’t only take the knowing how about what you need to teach them, but it takes a lot to patience and inner will Darwin Dickey is a Middle school teacher and t Athletic director for Norris middle school in Bakersfield California. Not only does he teach his seven classes of physical education per day, he also has to do all of the scheduling for all the sports teams on campus.

I never would have realized how much planning you have to do to make sure you have a proper plan to play sports with 75 plus kids in a class. Darwin said that organization is key and keeping all of the kids under control is a must. The day that I observed him, he had one of his classes playing basketball and with about 75 kids in a class so there were roughly I believe 12 basketball courts playing at one time. I figured he would Just stand there and watch hem to make sure there were no problems and then send them off to their next class, but boy was I wrong.

Darwin was very hands on in walking around and teaching them the proper way to play the game of basketball and making sure they knew most of the mandatory rules so they could have a successful game. Being an athletic director is a lot harder then I thought it would be. I thought Darwin would Just have to walk around, watch the sports events, and keep things running smooth. It was the behind the scenes activities that really interested me. Creating a schedule for Just one single sport for one entire season seemed hard to e, but he not only did one team.

He managed to make an entire season schedule for every team at the school and make sure that even the transportation was provided for the away games that they would have. I asked him how he managed to teach all of his classes and even get the scheduling done before he even went home for the day, he said ” being organized with everything helps the most because if anyone ever has any questions about scheduling or transportation he knows exactly which folder it is in”. By observing Darwin I saw that there is much more than people think to Just an average day in physical education.

It was nice to see that there is a person out there who really cares and has a passion for the Job that they obtain. Most teachers would just throw the balls out and let the kids play. By doing both of these observations, I learned that there is much more going on than Just what the eye sees on an everyday basis. They educated me in things that will help me in some of my future endeavors and made me want to observe more people in the sinology field with different Jobs. This was an over all interesting and meaningful project to partake in for an intro sinology class.