Monogamy vs. Polygamy

Monogamy Vs.. Polygamy Polygamy has become a hot-button issue in the United States as of late. Many different people have presented different ideas of whether or not it should be legalized, but most people say no. In the articles, each side debates on whether or not polygamy should be legalized and why. In my opinion, it shouldn’t be, but the debate will continue. In the first article, the authors took a stand against polygamy. They acknowledged that people think it’ll be the next new thing, but they also dismissed it.

For one, they say it’s morally wrong. Many polygamists supporters assumed that the support for the recall of DOOM was for them as well, but really it was Just for gay rights. Activists are fighting to separate the blurred lines between gay marriage and polygamy. Although the say “equal” love should be legalized, a line has to be drawn somewhere. The second article, however, was in full support of polygamists and polygamy as a whole. The authors say that it creates safe environments for the children, because they get a bigger more loving family.

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Supporters also say that if gay marriage is going o be legalized, so should polygamy, because it is unfair to put restraints on what qualifies as equal love. In their eyes, if a man can love a man, a man should be able to love as many women as he wants, and it includes marriage. Although the debate over polygamy continues, I believe that it shouldn’t be legalized. The hazards it could cause our economy could be detrimental. For example, if a man was married to ten different women from overseas, he could bring them all here, and they might be unemployed or struggling financially, so tax payers would be footing the bill.

Also, Families with lots of children who are on welfare could have higher allotted funds for food stamps, so taxpayers would suffer even more. In addition to financial reasons, there are physical reasons as well. If one man had the full amount of wives he could, which is twenty, technically, nineteen men would go without women. If polygamy became widespread, the amount of single men would increase, which could have massive effects on our population. Also, morally, I think it’s wrong for many reasons. It objectifies women, goes against many major religions, and sets bad, sometimes confusing examples for youth in other generations.