
As we all know spring is fast approaching and with spring comes the dreaded event of standardized testing. For you sophomores that means time to take the Ohio Graduation Test and maybe even the PSAT and PLAN. With these test come the feeling of resentment and the never answered question of “why.” Since so many of you arThe Sophomore Slick
A weekly newsletter to keep the sophomore class connected with each other and the school.
The Sophomore Slick
A weekly newsletter to keep the sophomore class connected with each other and the school.
e going to moan and groan and ask why. I’ve decided to take it upon myself and try to answer that question for you. Why are you required to take these test and are they really helping you? A lot of you will say that standardized testing are not a direct reflection of your intelligence and many educators agree.
The State of Ohio requires a graduation test to ensure that students who receive a high school diploma demonstrate a high school levels of achievement, stated on the Ohio education website. It also states that the test is given to measure how much of the 5 subjects skills are actually expected of students at the end of their sophomore year and to meet the federal requirement for high school testing. If you do not pass all 5 parts of the OGT, you are allowed to go back and retake the parts you didn’t pass. However if you do not pass all 5 parts before your projected graduation date, you will not graduate. You must pass all 5 parts in order to receive your high school diploma.
The test is developed by parents, teachers, educators, and representatives of the business community. Then the developed test goes to the Fairness Sensitivity Review Committee for inspection to make sure none of the questions are biased.
Each part has 35 multiple choice questions and up to eight written response questions. You will have up to two hours to complete each part. The test will not be given in open day but over a period of 2-3…

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