My Borther Influenced Me.

My Influential Person My brother is the most influential person in my life. Vincent is eighteen, we have the best brother/ sister relationship. He is a caring person to my family and I. He is a great role model to my when it comes to school. Vincent has a good attitude towards helping others. I look up to my brother. My brother cares for my family and l. Whenever he sees one of us down or not having a good day he tries to make us laugh. Vincent also cares for us when we aren’t feeling well or my parent’s need a huge favor of him.

It has influenced me by caring for my family and helping them when they are down like my brother does. When it comes to school I don’t always make the right choices but my brother makes sure that I stay on track. He always tell me to get my homework done before it becomes too late at night. He helps me be more responsible with my school work and homework. The way my brother treats me with school influences me to do the same with my little sister. My brother did good in school and I want to be like him school-wise. Vincent is a helpful person to others.

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He is always willing to help someone in need. I remember one time we saw a guy with no hands that needed help with his backpack and other bags to put onto his bike. It was my brothers idea to help the man. It felt good to help others. From that day on I always wanted to help others. My brother is the most influential person in my life. He cares for my family, helps me stay on track with school and helps other people in need. He makes me a better person. My brother is a great role model to me. I look up to my other brother Vincent.