Meaning of Life and Brother

It took me seventeen years to realize it but, among all the people that have influenced me, the one that has the greatest effect on my life is my brother Sam. Sam is twenty- three years old, leaving a six year age gap between the two of us. Sam has prominently impacted my life. He is the one person who knows me the best that has the most influence on my life. He is the one person that has had a lasting effect in my decisions and the way I perceive life. It is due to him that I am the brave, enthusiastic, and ambitious person I am today.

My brother has been a wonderful role model as well as sharing a resemblance of that of a parental figure. He enforces rules that has been set upon us by our parent’s, making sure that I keep myself sane and respectful to myself and those I am surrounded with. Everything that my brother has done has been chances for me to grow. While being with my brother has been spectacular, I have learned valuable lessons from my brother. He has taught me many lessons in my existence, all of which has followed me and will continue to follow my life in its entirety.

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He has affected every aspect in my life; from the way I dress, to the way I perceive life. My brother, Sam, always has been an inspiration to me because he has set a great example for me to follow. I consider it as a phenomenal thing because he has showed me the great things that can be accomplished in life, he has taught me many great things, and has inspired to become successful in life. Sam learns from his own mistakes and makes sure I do not commit the same mistakes as him. He makes sure I do not veer in the wrong path, meaning he is always on my case in everything I do.

He takes many positions in my life, and impacts my life in that certain aspect. In his simple and easy thoughts, I have seen the never ending learning experiences through life. There are times when I can’t stand my brother and Just wishes he leaves e alone, but then there are times when I want to talk to him, question him about life, and Just crack Jokes with him. My brother is known for his wonderful sense of humor. Whenever he cracks a really funny Joke or makes fun of something or someone, I always carry that with me and repeat it, Just to be like him.

Sometimes I wish I was a guy, Just so I could be exactly like my brother, Sam. We don’t have an ordinary relationship like other brothers and sisters. I look up to Sam as another father figure. People always ask me, “Why are you so scared of your brother? What’s he goanna do? ” Its not that I’m scared of him, I respect him. I respect my brother Sam more than anyone in the world. I not only respect him, but I respect what he has done, does, and will do. Always. He not only is an amazing brother, but he is a wonderful son.

I know that every time my parent’s look at him, they are proud of what he has become. My friends always tell me that my brother is way too “over-protective” and that he needs to loosen up because the more he tells me not to do something, I will go do it. But that is the complete opposite. When my brother tells me not to do something, not go somewhere, or not talk to a certain person; he’s telling me for my win good and that’s how I know he cares. For instance, there was a girl I was friends with, and my brother kept telling me to stay away from her because she is trouble.

I didn’t listen at first but then there was an incident, and after that, I knew to stay away from her. His Judgments about a person are always right. Like he always says, “Right when I look at someone, I know exactly what kind to person they are. ” My brother Sam is my role model, my protector, my rock, my everything. I know that in the end, no matter what, he will always be there for me. I can easily say that the most influential person in my life is my older brother, Sam.