
One of the things that the UNited States prides itself in is it’s diverse culture. America is seen as the ‘land of the free’ where everybody is accepted as equals and can accomplish the “American dream” if they put their minds to it. While this may be true on a large scale, if you narrow your line of scope to American schools you would probably see something a little different. Schools now are filled with different cultures, languages and even genders. With all this diversity there are bond to be a few bumps in how smoothly everything runs.

The gender topic was a big discussion in class this week. Mainly, if a transgender male has the right to use the female bathroom or must use the menus. This is a very heated debate. As a society we aim to have everybody feel accepted and treated as equals but if one person’s equality takes away form bothers, then is that really okay? Some people argue that a transgender male should be able to use the female bathroom because a person gender isn’t decided on what is between the legs but hat the brain says.

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Opponents to this side of the debate argue that a transgender male would make the other females uncomfortable, therefore why do they have to suffer so that the transgender male can be happy. However, the right thing to do isn’t always an option. In my opinion the way to solve this dilemma would be that instead of large rooms with several stalls for each gender there are individual bathrooms for both sexes. That way the bathrooms aren’t being labeled as ‘male’ or ‘female’ and none as to worry about being uncomfortable.

This, however, isn’t a practical route. To rebuild ever school’s bathroom so that there are individuals stalls Just wont happen because of cost, time and room. But this is the only way that insure the happiness of others. Issues like this one are always going to be around because there isn’t always a clear or right decision to be made. All we can really do is educate and accept catheter and hope that one day issues like this will no longer be a problem for our sorority.