Homework Good or Bad

There is a name for working without getting paid against your will. It’s called Slavery. So if children are forced to do homework against their will, it must be slavery. Adults have their way of making money, so why can’t children have their way? Children should get paid, or should not be forced to do it at all. Secondly, Doctors and Health Organizations are always complaining that children are too fat. Well, a major reason why is that children sit inside for hours upon hours doing homework. They lead inactive lives when they could be earning money, exercising or simply playing outside in the fresh air.

Health implications of homework are huge. The whole world wants to be green, but think… How many trees do we cut down a day for paper? How much paper do we use to do our homework? How many mistakes do we make? How much paper do we waste? Pollution could be reduced if we stop homework as we cut down fewer trees and use less paper. Teachers should be able to teach all the material during school time. They should not give extra work at home as a result of not covering it in the lesson. Homework has an effect on every family home, as it occupies the time of the children ND even the parent’s who monitor and support their child’s work.

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Fussing, fighting and arguing over homework causes upset amongst family members. Homework is time consuming and causes children to stay up late, which makes them miserable. The number one reason why children in the UK do not get enough sleep is because they stay up every night doing homework into the late hours of the night. If there was less homework, children would get good nights sleep and would be happy. Children are stressed. Why can’t the government see this? We worry if we have handed our homework in on time?

We spend hours on our homework yet is it still enough? The overload? Piles of homework due in the next day? It all gets to overwhelming for a child as well as revising, spending time with friends and family and other sports we might be doing. Finally it is a proven fact that the more homework a child gets the grumpier a child gets. Who created homework? Who said homework was necessary? Who will challenge this tradition? Surely social skills, exercise, sleep and peace of mind are equally or if not more important than academic results? Homework Good or By brokering