Information Management

Bribery can come in different forms, it can be in a form of money, tangible things and also intangible things in such are information and data. In this situation, the employee has no clear intention that he was trying to get a bribe from the contractor. In the fact that the contractor himself acted on his own accord on giving those trees, it would be considered as a gift. But receiving gift can also be considered as a bride since there is a policy in giving and receiving gifts and gratitude.

To clear the issues he employee must confirm these actions to the contractor himself and update his superiors on the situation his in, to avoid misguided information. 2. Information leak is a very serious issue in all types of business. Various ethical issues are raised in this kind of situation questioning the credibility of the employee in holding his position. It should be taken in to consideration that one or more of the suppliers’ consultant can be listening to him. The information leaked can be used as an advantage for the supplier to win the bidding.

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This situation puts the company’s reputation to the question, as it says that the employees’ actions reflect the company’s name. Sharing confidential information to the competitor would be biased and unjust. It would be a wise decision to report this situation to your superiors to disclose the issue and explain the situation properly. 3. As the supervising officer of the CARS, it would be appropriate to confront Kelly let her explain her side of the story. This action will show your respect and acknowledgement to her credibility and integrity in doing her Job.

It is the right of the employee to hear and be heard. 4. This situation has its risk in deciding what action to take. Every action has its own consequences. If the employee chooses to cover for his co-worker, it will show that you have concern for other employee not only yourself but this will question your commitment to excellence to the company. On the other hand, if the employee chooses not to do what his co-worker asks, this will show his professionalism but it also shows that he does not have any king of consideration. In this situation, I would gather fact and information to discern a conclusion on what action to take. If ever the fact leads to bribery I would confront Kim and ask her to explain her side and report it to my superiors. 6. I would confront my friend and convince him not to continue what he plans to do. Is intention may not to do harm, but it will cause disturbance to employees of the institution. This action is punishable by law if traced and identified. Im – Information Management Essay By goofier