From Athlete to Accountant Major

This brings me to the events that changed my life from wanting to be a soccer player to now wanting to be an accountant. It all began when I wasn’t born yet. According to my mom she always told me that I used to kick a lot inside of her whom. She always said that I would be a famous soccer player. When I was six years old I saw my first soccer match on TV. It was the last match of the qualifying round between Mexico and Uruguay in 1990. After seeing that game I knew I wanted to play soccer, and that my dream is to play for the cantonal team of Mexico.

Couple of years later I was playing pee wee soccer. That year we won the championship. I continued to play for a couple more years where I polished my skills as peewees, which lead us to a couple more championships. My life started to change when I entered middle school. In 7th grade it was one of my best years. Knowing that I wanted to play soccer I tried out for the schools soccer team, and because of my skills I ended up in the first string of the team. We went undefeated that season and ended up winning the championship that year.

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The allowing year it wasn’t so great because that is when the course of events started to change my life. It was towards the middle of the season when I got injured with a torn CAL in my right leg. That injury ended the season for me and I had to have surgery. Since I wasn’t able to play for the rest of the season I had to choose an elective. I didn’t know what to pick since the only thing that I thought about was soccer. I finally thought that math was the closest thing that had to deal with soccer. So I Joined the math club from school because I knew that by learning about metro could show me a lot about soccer.

For example, angles how much I need to bend my body if I wanted the ball in a certain direction. Since that day I knew that my dream started to change. I started to love working with numbers, but my heart still told me that I still should go after my dream when I recovered from my injury. After returning from my CAL injury I was already a sophomore in high school. I went ahead and played that year, Junior, and senior years with out a problem. I was until the last match of my high school career when my life gave a 360-degree turn.

It was towards the end the match when a opposite player hit me in the right knew and injured me again. Went to see the doctor that saw me before back in middle school and he advised me that I wouldn’t be able to play soccer for indefinite time. After returning none I and to take an elective to tins up the year. So I took Business Professional of America that offered to teach you to become a professional in life. Towards the end of the year we have to compete in different categories and I chose Payroll-Accounting. I ended up winning 1st place that year.

After that night I knew that my dream of becoming a soccer player had ended, and went ahead and embraced my new dream of becoming an accountant. Now you know how my dream of becoming a famous soccer player started as a kid and changed through the course of my middle and high school years and wasn’t part of the 2% of students that was offered a NCAA Scholarship. We shouldn’t take anything for granted because it could change in a blink of an eye. So now I am here at CNN doing my undergraduate studies to become an accountant and finally achieving my dream.