Drugs and What Needs To Be Done

GRA: Drugs, and what needs to be done.Our nation has to face the undeniable fact that we have a serious issue with drugs. People who had lived enjoyable lives, and had a future ahead of them fall victim to drugs, and can’t quite seem to quit the habit, and stay out of jail. What really sparked my interest in this topic was that I have seen first hand what drugs can do. Unfortunately, I too have seen our justice system fail, and my aunt continue to be placed in jail again and again, until finally she went to rehab and has been clean since. The government may think people on drugs are criminals who need to be locked up and away from society, but it has become evident to me that these people are not criminals to our society, but prisoners in their own bodies, trapped with a compulsion to use. Instead of punishing those who use with time in jail, our government needs to set up a long term rehabilitation system for people on drugs, to help them become better members of society, and live a safe and clean life.
My aunt had lived a normal life. She had two kids, a husband, and was the typical soccer mom. I can remember looking at my cousin who was my age, and being so jealous because she had the perfect family, and the perfect mom. My aunt was lively, creative, and so beautiful. She had money, a great family, and seemed really happy. But after my grandmother passed away, it all changed. Her marriage was going down hill, and me only being ten, I didn’t quite understand what was going on with my aunt that I had so closely admired, but I knew something was different about her. Within a year, my aunts marriage had fallen apart, they had lost their business, her kids were taken away, and my once absolutely stunning aunt was frail and had sores all over her body. She spent the next three years in and out of jail. Because of her multiple charges and warrants, she found it nearly impossible to ever find a job, so she would turn right back down the same road and it would…

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