Challenges of Golf

Many people misunderstand the sport of golf because it is so challenging. Some even refuse to make an effort at playing a few holes. Golf is a very complex sport, it challenges the brain to think in ways it has never thought before. Strategy is key in golf, nobody can Just go out and score well on their first try. The phrase “practice, practice, practice” actually becomes reality in this sport because you have to practice a lot to come close to being any good. My father taught me all of the basic challenges f the game, but there is always a new challenge every time I step onto the course.

This sport is by far one of the biggest challenges I face today. I grew up on the golf course, my whole family golf. I always used to think that I could possibly become a disappointment if I didn’t learn to love the game. My dad used to take my brothers and me out to the golf course on days when there wasn’t so many people playing, Just so we could practice. I learned to love the game, and it is now my favorite sport. I couldn’t imagine never playing again. Now that I am old enough, I play in as many tournaments as I possibly can.

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I have only won one tournament and I was titled the “Likewise Golf and Country Club 2013 Junior Club Champion”. I think the reason why people don’t like golf is because they expect to be good the first time they play. That or they realize they aren’t the best and are Just too lazy to go practice and fix it. I love golf because it calms me down and lets me forget about what is going on around me, or in my life. When I’m stressed I tend to find myself pulling into the golf course driveway. Although it calms me down, it is still a big challenge.

I face a new obstacle every time I hit the ball, like slicing, hooking, or hitting something. In my life I have had a ton of practice on the course, from when my dad used to take me when I was little to High School golf practice. One of the challenges I have had in golf was making the varsity golf team in High School. As a Freshman I showed up to the first golf practice not expecting to even be looked at by the coach. It was a surprise when Coach Schooled announced that I would be attending the first golf meet.

I was so scared because not to many freshmen get to experience what I got to. I was on the varsity golf team all four years of high school. Golf is very difficult in so many different ways. Any motion in your body and stance could affect your swing in some way causing you to miss-hit the ball. The ball could go left, right, up, or down depending on how you hit it. I have always had trouble with the ball going right. Most difficult golf courses have an “out of bounds” on the right side of the hole. Therefore I have trouble with keeping my score down, due to my ball always going right.

Most golfers have trouble going right, so that is why courses put an “out of bounds” on the right side. As many people continue to mistake this sport to be easy, it will always have its challenges. You should always remember the more practice you have on the course, the better you will become. I grew up on the course and that is how I became to love the sport. Therefore even though golf isn’t the easiest sport in the world, I will continue to keep practicing and keep getting better. Challenges of Golf By draining