centraal behher

After studying practical and theoretical issues for designing international center especially in Tsinghua University, case studies will be conducted to find the solutions and design methods and ideas.
As the issue is designing an international center to improve relations between international and Chinese students from Tsinghua and other universities, I have looked for case studies that are related to student center, interaction spaces and flexible spaces. Studying of those will give ideas about the integration programs and spaces of communications.
3.1.1 Central Beheer by Herman Hertzberge
Central Beheer is placed in Apeldoorn of Netherlands. It’s an attempt to make a transition space and meeting spaces can integrate with each other. The purpose of studding this case is to know the combination of public and private spaces to have a proper interaction spaces.
This building is a kind of settlement. It is made from a large number of equal sizes of cube that is strung together. The plan was designed by overlapping two square patterns to define spaces for staying and transition. So each square has four angles as a staying space and the between space is for transition. All cubes have spatial dimension as well as their form that are geared to its purpose. All of cubes have connection through bridges. These bridges are continuing transition spaces. These cubes are comparatively small and have different programs and functions.
The basic requirements of an office building may well be simple enough in principle, but it was this need for adaptability that led to the complexity of the commission. Constant changes occur within the organization, thereby requiring frequent adjustments to the size of the different departments. The building must be capable of accommodating these internal forces, while the building as a whole must continue to function in every respect and at all times. (Arnulf Luchinger, 1987)
Useful points of this case study that I would use in my design…

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