Why Bilingual

My own experience as a student and a bilingual educator, have gave me enough reasons to promote and strongly support bilingual programs. The bilingual education is a powerful tool used by educators to accomplish their mission and to the students, to master the English language.
With the assistance and support of their native language, the students are able to transfer their knowledge of the language with a better structure and common sense to the English language demands. Bilingual teachers are contributing for the students to preserve their own culture, values and traditions to offer a comfortable environment.
The student needs to feel that environment as his/hers to facilitate the invitation to learn and master both languages which will open his/hers doors to the success. It is also important the own personal experience of how the bilingual education can make the difference in the people’s life; when students are given the opportunity to learn with bilingual education programs.
Another important fact in the bilingual education is the result of academic goals; the student gain capacity and reach the education required by the department of education. In the programs of Immersion in both languages, the children learn to be fluent in reading, writing, conversation and understanding of both languages at the same time; these, creates the accomplishment of better levels and grades in mandatory tests. Students exposed to the opportunity of bilingual programs transfer their native knowledge to the English language in a better way.
Children with experience in bilingual programs are focused in their main objective and do not lose this easily and become a student with a full dominium of the English language. They will have the ability to read, write, and understand and express as well as a native student. At the same time understands the importance and advantage of being bilingual.

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