
FaithPeople in this world have their reasons to choose in what to believe and what not. Earlier philosophers questioned themselves about the reasons for believing in existence of a god “ If god exists then he must have a mother” (Embree, 02/02/2014). Philosopher Bertrand Russel was the first theist, but he became an atheist when he was eighteen because he decided that there was no proof of god’s existence. Later on he became a theist again, when he concluded that an alternative proof of God’s existence was valid. Faith is the very sum and substance of life. Without faith, human beings would not be able to achieve their goals. If we observe all the greatest achievements carried out in this world, we find that faith was the driving force. It inspires individuals to believe in the possibility of their dream becoming a reality, without it being relevant to the existing world we interact with today. It portrays the idea that tomorrow, anything is possible. First, one must plan and set out short term and long term goals to achieve the ultimate goal(s).
A person can set a goal for himself, once he has obtained the faith that he can do the task(s) that he must. It is a very true parable saying in that “faith without works Is dead” (). This verse states that a person will never achieve anything in life without putting forth a resilient and persistent effort. Along with that effort, comes patience. Faith does not come and go. It is something that lingers on and resides in ones conscious even when one cannot see that anything can or will come out of their efforts. It is right to say that faith forms the foundation of every new achievement, every new invention and every new discovery. Therefore there is also a correlation between faith and achievement.
Faith cannot be imposed upon anyone. It comes from deep inside one’s heart. It cannot either be measured. The quantity of faith possessed by people depends upon how positive your approach towards life is. Without…

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