Themes in Gorgeous

Themes in Gorgeous
Inner beauty wants out. Eighteen-year-old Becky Randle is just an ordinary girl from East Trawley, Missouri. She is offered an impossible offer by the famous Tom Kelly. He promises to create three dresses to transform her into the Most Beautiful Woman Who Ever Lived. Of course Becky thinks he is absolutely crazy or that he is producing a camera show called World’s Most Gullible Poor People. But she says yes, and she is remade as Rebecca Randle. She goes through ups and downs with herself and other people in the novel. In Gorgeous by Paul Rudnick, there are multiple themes. Power, deception, inner strength, beauty, self-love, following the path to your dreams, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and not knowing what you have until you have lost it are all different themes in this fairytale.
Power and deception are two of the themes in Gorgeous. I think the lust for power is a theme in the book because all Becky or Rebecca ever wanted was power. When she was Rebecca, she was this strong, beautiful, and powerful woman and when she was Becky, she was just this normal, “nothing special” kind of girl. I chose the picture of a red person being in charge of all the blue people because that is what power is. Power is being above all and being strong. Everyone looked up to Becky when she was Rebecca and so she had all the strength in the world based on her looks. Deception is a major theme in this book because that is exactly what happened. Everyone else saw Rebecca but when she was alone in the mirror, she was Becky again. It was deception in the most magical way. Tom was able to deceive everyone thinking she was the most beautiful woman in the world, but she actually was not; no one is. For deception, I chose a rotten apple with a zipper showing a ripe apple. This goes with deception because just like Becky, the apple is presenting something other than it was.
Inner strength and beauty are some other themes in the book. Inner strength is a…

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