Theme on Rebellion and Corruption

Henry Sellers and Imagine composed by John Lennox. In time directed by Andrew Niccole, Will Sails Ousting Timberline) my character of interest is an ordinary guy paying his dues as a steel mill laborer. N the tragic scene which his mother died before him, as time became something that Will’ could not stop. He drowned his sorrows at the pub, whilst meeting a rich and powerful individual that gave him an outstanding amount of time, to aid in the change of balance in his dyspepsia society. In this society time is money and money is power. The city is controlled by time keepers which keep time thieves from looting the poor and making it a way of living, also to protect the fortunate and unfortunate under control and in balance.

The reasons for will to rebel, led him to seek equality and achieve balance throughout his society In the pedestrian, written by Ray Bradbury. I have chosen Mr. Leonard Mead as my character of interest; Mr. Mead, a single individual who disagrees with his government’s system, authority and the society way of living, a writer that enjoys midnight strolls and the satisfaction of the autumn leaves brushing against his soft shoes, rather than staying inside and watching television.

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Through this character, the reader familiarizes themselves with a corrupted society being controlled by their overspent to seek a utopian life style way of living and reduce crime in the city. Ever since the election year of 2052, crime had been cut down to a ratio of three to one, meaning no need for a police. They found Mr. Mead odd due to his technology controls the minds of the city, causing Mr. Mead to rebel against his dyspepsia lifestyle. Examination day published 1958 by Henry sellers. My character of interest is a young male named Richard M Jordan classification 600-115.

Richard spent all day preparing for the government’s intelligence test. Under the rule 84 section 5, its compulsory for all children turning 12 which led him to his death. For example; the boy in this society, the government controls its people by labeling them as a barded, the young boy was unfortunate but this Just proves how corrupted this society is. Imagine composed in 1971 by John Lennox, the reason why John Lennox is my character of interest, his composition of imagine, was to put an end to dyspepsia societies.

Throughout his lyrics of poverty, discrimination and segregation, I learnt hat society can accomplish a world of freedom which unifies people not by the depth tot your pockets, the color tot skin or the race tot your ancestors, But by your contribution to everyday society. In conclusion all texts share common similarities, as they all live in a controlled society corrupted by the prejudice views of the government and authority. My first two texts refer to my theme of investigation, rebellion. Both my characters of interest seek equality, Justifies the reasons to rebel against their controlled society.