The Person I Most Admire in the World

Question 1 a. The meaning of mind is the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experience, to think, and to feel: the faculty of consciousness (5 M). Sigmund Freud divided the main into two parts. One of the parts is the conscious mind (2.5). The conscious mind is the part where we think and talk rationally (2.5). The another part is unconscious mind (2.5). Unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges and memories that outside of our conscious awareness (2.5). The understanding of the mind according to religion view could refer to the Quran (2.5). The Quran said that “It is the heart or mind that sees (2.5).” {Total: 20 M} b. [In my opinion, the first way to reduce cases of cyberbullying is to block the bully from being able to communicate with you (2m). For example, if Azman was being cyber-bullied by unknown person on facebook, Azman can just block that person or best to just unfriend with that person(1.5m). Through this, the bully will be unable to bully Azman through facebook (1.5m).][My next suggestion is for the victim of cyberbullying to speak out and not just stay silent about being bullied (2m). For example, John was cyberbullied by anonymous for almost a year, but instead of suffering from depression, he chose to tell this to his family and friends (1.5m). Through this, John is able to cope with the tension or feeling of being cyberbullied, if he is good enough, he might even be able to ignore the person altogether(1.5m).] {Total: 10 M} c. [The development of national identity in Malaysia is very important because it defines who we are (2m). Having an identity allow other to know more about us instead of not knowing anything (1.5m). For example, Princess Diana knows of our own Datuk Jimmy Choo and his country. This is because he personally designed a pair of shoe for her. Here, Datuk Jimmy Choo is known as a Malaysian because of his national identity (1.5m).] [Next, it is most important because it…

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