Pyramus and Thisbe

Pyramus and Thisbe
The story begins with two star crossed lovers Pyramus and Thisbe. They started as friends but it soon advanced, their families dissaproved of their love and that’s how this tragic tale began.Pyramus: no! My love shall not end no matter how far you spread us.
Pyramus mom: I’m sorry pyramus but this is final. You shall not be connected with her.
Thisbes mom- excuse me but my daughter is not the problem.
Thisbe- mom! I love him and why cant you just let that be.
Thisbes mom- what I say is final!.
*parents drag Thisbe and pyramus away in the rooms*
{scene change: wall}
pyramus: Thisbe my love,this wall has a crack and although I cannot feel your embrace I can hear your calming voice, with that I am content.
Thisbe- oh darling I’m so glad you’re okay, we need to find a way to reconnect, they cant lock us away forever.
Pyramus- meet me at the tomb of ninus at dawn.
Thisbe- I will my love.
{scene change- tree}
*Thisbe walks up*
*lioness comes covered in blood*
*Thisbe runs loosing her veil*
*lioness plays with and covers it in blood*
*lioness leaves*
*pyramus walks in*
Pyramus- my darling Thisbe deserved to live forever, this is all my fault, I didn’t come early enough to save her, whatever killed her I am at fault for not protecting her. If cowards can cry, then I the brave have the power to die.
*pyramus stabs himself*
*blood splatters everywhere*
*Thisbe runs back*
*realizes pyramus is dead*
Thisbe- Pyramus! Why suffer such cruel fate, please speak or is it too late?
*picks up sword*
Thisbe- although our parents damned us to be together, all I want is to be with you for eternity. Right now there is one body lay under the tree, but soon there will be two. I pray that our ashes can be combined, so I can be forever intertwined with my ever and dying love, pyramus.
*Thisbe stabs her self with pyramus sword*

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