Nutritional Analysis

After analyzing my diet I have found that I do meet certain nutritional guidelines. The areas in which I take in an adequate or near adequate amount of nutrients are: Milk, Grain, Energy (kcal), Protein, Fiber, Sodium, and Thiamin. I drink a sufficient amount of water due to the demand of my physical activities and this is probably why I make sure I have a sufficient Protein intake also. I come close to meeting the guidelines for my Vegetables, Carbohydrates, Meat and Bears, Vitamin A, and Vitamin

E. These fluctuate too often for me to claim I meet the guidelines at an appropriate level though. Certain days I am over or Just about where I should be, but other days I may not have any intake of these nutrients at all. 2) I under consume mostly everything else aside from Cholesterol, Polyunsaturated fats, and Omega 6. Those three I may over consumer or not consume at all. I am under the guidelines significantly in: Fats, Unsaturated Fats, Monounsaturated Fats, Omega 3, and Vitamin C (depending on the day, but these occur most often).

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There is a reason for the guidelines to be where they are and even though fats may seem bad there is a healthy level of intake for them which I do not meet. I am low on many vitamins and minerals that would help my everyday body function and would make me a healthier individual. I am disappointed to see that I do not meet the appropriate levels in so many areas. 3) In order to improve my diet and nutritional intake I need to have more wholesome meals. I can add in a side of vegetables on a more regular basis with my meals, and maybe throw in some fruit with a bagel in the morning.

I am not trying to lose weight or maintain, but I would wish to gain muscle mass. This would most likely be easier if I upped my intake of my Carbohydrates and I could probably be higher in my Protein intake also. For months at a time I would take multivitamins, but since this semester has begun I have not purchased a new bottle of them and should most definitely do so, in order to help my intake of minerals and vitamins. Nutritional Analysis Part 1 PET 3361 : Nutrition for Sports and Fitness October 3, 2011 Nutritional Analysis By redirects