Ms Case Analysis

Case Analysis: Microsoft corp.. Microsoft is the largest Software Company in the world. Bill Gates and Paul Allen found the Microsoft in 1975. Microsoft had a great vision. It was “a computer on every desk and every home. ” Microsoft’s net income was $3. 45 billion and revenue of $1 1. 36 billion and had over 44,000 employees in 60 countries. Microsoft was success the marketing of operational systems and personal productivity applications software. Microsoft’s core competencies were human resources and software & Window operation system (SO).

Microsoft lost several talented employees to its competitors. Cloud market becomes $3. 3 trillion industry. Microsoft was not first movement advantages of Cloud system and Tablet PC market. Recommendation #1: Microsoft should recruit young and talented specialists from universities and their competitors. Justification: Microsoft training and developing employees were very in important aspect of the company’s strategy. Implementation: Microsoft reduced that factor causing dissatisfaction among employees was the widening insemination gap between employees and executives.

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MS also shared benefits and flat stock performance with employees. So, MS gave good image and enough compensation to their employees. The new employees were expected to know the specifics of their Job responsibilities and how to perform different task. IT Company should try to hire well-trained employees. Recommendation #2: Microsoft had to invest heavily in its cloud computing platform and tablet PC market. Justification: Cloud market becomes a $3. 3 trillion industry.

MS monitors, Google and Apple already started Cloud services. Google and Apple had their tablet PC operation system. But, MS started few years ago. Implementation: MS had to invest Cloud computing platform and Tablet PC because many consumers bought tablet PC instead of PC. It meant consumer’s behavior had changed. Most people used Google’s Android and Apple’s SO. If MS cannot enter the tablet’s PC SO market, Microsoft lose their positioning. Microsoft should hire technicians and invest their core products (SO and tablet PC).