King David

King David was the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel and wrote 78 psalms. In Psalm 8 King David questions God for why man is so important. He also describes how man worships God. King David shows praise and adulation by stressing the importance of Gods creations, human beings, and his relationship with human beings. Firstly, King David emphasizes the importance of Gods creations. God made man ruler of the universe which meaner man is on earth to protect. Man is very important cause man fights enemies.

God made beasts to protect the fields. Fish were made to protect the sea and birds were made for the air. Each aspect of earth had a great creation. First there is God next there is heavenly beings, man, and lastly animals. All of Gods creations play a huge part on gods universe. Next, King David emphasizes the importance of human beings. Human beings are to fight enemies. They are to protect Gods universe. Without humans there would be chaos. Human beings play a major role on Gods Universe.

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There would be no inventions without humans. The material things that we are use to now such as phones, cars, houses, and electronics would not exist. Those inventions would not be available to us now if it wasn’t for human beings making them. Then, King David emphasizes the relationship between God and humans. “What is man, that thou art mindful of him” (7). This stanza from psalm 8 shows how King David questions man position. King David shows the excellence of God and what his name meaner on earth.

He also shows the excellence of man and how he is a little lower than the heavenly beings. That alone explains the relationship between god and human beings. The fact that god would “crown him with glory and honor” explains how man praises god and the responsibility that human beings have on earth. In conclusion, King David focused on Gods majesty in creation and mans dignity over creation. King David questions why man was important and what connection man and God has. King David realizes the excellence of God and what his name meaner on Earth.