Kashmir presented

It has presented a big ramification throughout the world resulting in a cold war between two nations and has also led to the introduction of nuclear weapons along with the mid-range missiles in the arsenals of both countries. After the end of British Raja in August 1947 the Indian subcontinent was to be partitioned on the ground that the majority of Muslim areas were to be separated by an independent state called Pakistan, which separates the entire territory from the Hindu Majority areas. Thus, the two independent states called India and Pakistan was formed.

There were about 562 princely states during he declaration of independence from the British Crown (Pander, 1990). The last British viceroy, Lord Mountebank, addressed the chamber of princes on July 25, 1947 (Bose, 2003). He said that the princely states would be completely free to choose any of the territories they prefer; India or Pakistan. However, the geographical factors along with the communal harmony would also be given due importance. In such situations, primarily three provinces, Hydrated, Junkyard and Kashmir were independent by neither Joining India nor Pakistan.

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Later independence of 1947, Sheffield (2000) added that Hydrated and Junkyard were forced to be part of the India. However, due to geographical and ideological reasons, Kashmir was listed as an independent province. Reasons for dispute of conflict vary as per viewpoint of India, Pakistan and the Kashmir itself, which I will Justify in various chapters in the dissertation. Kashmir dispute occurred in October 1947 when tribal Muslim insurgents and Pakistani militias invaded the state of Jam and Kashmir; its ruler was compelled to enter the union of India in order to repel the invasion.

This enervated an all-out war between India and Pakistan, resulting in 60% of the territory being retained by India and 40% by Pakistan (Asthmatics, 2005). India depended on the accession instrument with the caution that an election would be held once the law and order is established in that state. Self-determination was the big issue in the conflict up to 1948, when Charlatan Nehru, the first prime minister of India addressed the clash to the security council of the United Nations saying that democratic plebiscite is the only way to solve the issue of Kashmir, It is also important to secure a proper future for Kashmir.

The security council of the United Nations states that both the countries should support the accession of Kashmir through impartial plebiscite (Polygonal, 1996). According too literary example, the Kings accession would be contrary to the fact that Kashmir would go to India. It declared that the fair plebiscite in Kashmir would decide the country that would be chosen by the people. In the same way, Pakistan decided to wit raw TTS troops trot the state until the fate of the state is decided by fair plebiscite.

It is also known as a bilateral commitment. Various resolutions of UN affirmed to this commitment resolution 38, 39, and 47), and this implemented the deploying of UN troops also known as the UN military observer group in India and Pakistan (INCOMING). It also allowed another group to dwell in that place called the UN commission for India and Pakistan (UNCAP) between the year 1949 and 1951 (Berea, 2006). However, the people of Kashmir never received the plebiscite that was promised to them. Thus, there were no fair elections in Kashmir.

There was no opinion of people. Thus, the clause of self-determination of the people in Kashmir is always the story of dashed hopes, and non-fulfilled promises made to the people. That is the reason; it has been a major part in the discourse at international level This conflict about the valley of Kashmir can be considered as the major protracted conflicts of the previous century. Since the year 1947, both the countries have not been able to reach a consensus about the Kashmir territory in spite of three wars in the years 1948, 1965, and 1999.

During these three wars, there was an issue of two UN mandated ceasefire in the years 1949, and 1965. Since 1949, the Jam and Kashmir territory was referred as only Kashmir. It has been divided by a ceasefire line into the sides of India and Pakistan, when the peacekeepers of the United Nations are assigned to protect the so-called border. To analyses the nature of conflict, I am doing a thorough examination of the conflicts of Kashmir since it started in 1947 and to various transformation it reached till now in India, Pakistan and Kashmir itself.

Adding to the thorough examination of the issue, I mainly focus on the main rhetorical devices along with some storyline given by India and Pakistan on the subject of Kashmir. The aim of this paper is to study the Political changes of both the countries and Kashmir after the partition Such as the rise of insurgency and terrorism in the valley in the year 1989 and strategies and agendas of both side of the line of control, political and administrative differences between Pakistan and Indian administered Kashmir and the identity of Kashmir people.

To examine different issues, a short look at the changes of the previous sixty years is required. The Colonization of Kashmir by Pakistan and rise of Hindu nationalism in India with respect to Kashmir needs to be observed cautiously to Judge the real nature of Kashmir amidst India and Pakistan. Chapter 2 KASHMIR A CONCISE HISTORY BEFORE 1947 Kashmir before 1900 The territory of Jam and Kashmir came into existence in the year 1845 when Gulag Sings, a Dogma ruler who fought for the British in first Anglo-Sikh war, (Guppy Dads Kyoto, 1968).

Hence, the territory of Jam and Kashmir ruled by the Dogma rulers when the British transferred it under the Treaty of Amorists on 16th of March, 1846, to Maharaja Gulag Sings for the amount of Rupees 7. 5 Million(Lamb, 1991). The territory was under the Maharaja and was being ruled autonomously until the Indian mutiny of 1857. After the revolt of 1857 the state of Jam and Kashmir came under British crown as a sovereign entity. Thus British ruled over newly created princely state through paramount authority in which all internal affairs including foreign and detente matters being controlled by agents tot the British crown.

The Maharaja Gulag Sings expanded the territories unto Gilt and Ballista in the west and Lady in the east. The Dogma rulers ruled over Kashmir from 1846 until India got independence in 1947 (Rat, 2004). Kashmir: Basic Facts This section gives some brief facts about the demographics of Kashmir, and it clarifies the diversification of the region into specific domains. The main line dividing the two states is known as the line of control (LOC) in the administrative parlance (Brass, 2003). The two distinct sections are called the India-occupied Kashmir, and the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

The Pakistan-occupied Kashmir is also called the Sad Kashmir, and Gilt-Ballista. The Indian Kashmir is called the Indian Administered Jam and Kashmir (JACK). Sad Kashmir occupies one-third of the former princely state only used to be known as Kashmir. Pakistan administered Kashmir or Sad Kashmir The Sad Kashmir consists of the region that Pakistan Army occupied during the time f UN ceasefire in the year 1949. This region of Jam and Kashmir covers up about 5,134 sq miles in area, out of which 650 sq miles belong to the Sad Kashmir. This state mainly talks about ten districts that include Phonic, Microfarad, Nellie, and Murmur.

The current population of the state is around 3,400,000. The capital of Sad Kashmir is Microfarad that has the highest population density among all the districts, comprising half million people. Indian Administered Jam and Kashmir This area of Jam and Kashmir comprises of 39,146 sq miles in area, and it occupies the area of Jam, Kashmir, and Lady. The capital of this region is called Agrarians. Major cities of this place are Phonic, Agrarians, Lee, and Jam. When the LOC was made in 1949, the JACK received the maximum amount of existing infrastructure for the governance (as per the original princely state before).

Administrative differences of JACK and PACK (Sad Kashmir) at present. The two parts of the state have unique administrative ways to maintain the state. Sad Kashmir can be considered chiefly as a unique state that is not included in Pakistan with a separate government. However, this state is protected by Pakistan. Considering the Northern fringes, the Sad Kashmir has its specific system to govern, along with some federal authority that stems from the Northern Areas to the affairs under the Ministry of Kashmir (Dahl, 2007).

In the meantime, the Indian-Administered Jam and Kashmir is subjected to a series of federal laws that makes the state a very close control under the federal governmental structure. The initial accession gave the Indian government only powers in three distinct sectors; the defense, communication and the external affairs of the state.