In Depth Market Research Case Analysis

This presents an opportunity to have an equal chance for both sexes to find a relationship. At the moment on average their competitors have a 2. 0 female to male ratio (Hyperventilation’s, 2012), which meaner that if they can accomplish 1. 0 female to male ratio they add another competitive advantage over their competitors. One main strategic issue that Demonstrativeness. Com will face is a pricing strategy. Since this company is brand new to the industry its price point must be competitive and keel low in order to gain potential consumers attention.

Generally, the goal of this study is to determine the viability of an online dating service targeted towards college and university students based on survey data collected from the target audience. Specifically, this study will determine the correlations and resulting implications between surveys responses collected. The study aims to determine as well as find relationships between the following variables: – Interest in online dating in general(question 2) Appeal of new student focused online dating service (question 5) –

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Awareness of online dating services in general (questions 1,3) – willingness to pay for a subscription dating service (question 6) – perception of online dating (question 7) prior respondent experience with online dating (question 4) Methods The nature of the research design has three objectives. The first objective is to gain background information in order develop hypotheses which define the terms, and clarify problems to establish research priorities. The second objective is to measure the state of a variable of interest.

The last objective is to test hypotheses that specify the relationships between two or more variables. Alvin C. Burns, 2012) The sampling framework and size here is to target mainly college/university student looking for dating service and up to 100 questionnaires were answered by students. The time frame for the data collection are vary because all questionnaires are completed through online which is available and accessible for user anytime and anywhere in order to complete within a set time period roughly about a week or two.

We had chosen five closed-ended questions in our analysis and two opened-ended questions. We will use with up too total of seven questions that will be use throughout our analysis. We will analysis the data through the use of frequency distribution with the help of using excel. With the 100 questionnaire data collected and properly entered in excel, we use the frequency equation provided in excel to sort and count the number of selected answer to each individual question. This tool is an arrangement of the values that one or more variables take in a sample.

Each entry in the table contains the frequency or count of the occurrences of values within a particular group or interval, and in this way, the table summarizes the distribution of values in the sample. Then we use the correlation function within excel to compare two different questions and analysis it through their relationship according to the correlation number. This allows us to figure out whether the correlation is a positive or negative value. Results Interest (Question 2) compared to Appeal (Question 5 The first two questions that will be compared are question 2 and question 5.

These two questions relates to the amount of people interested in dating sites and from those people we can see if they would be interested in an online dating site that is restricted for college students. Therefore the hypothesis for this comparison would e if college students are interested in the general concept of an online dating service they are most likely to be interested in a site limited to college students. Based on the results of the frequency charts shown in questions 2 and 5, it shows that more of the participants are more willing to go on a site strictly limited to college students rather than a regular dating site.

In relevance towards Demonstrativeness. Com this creates an advantage in this industry because this is a strategy that has not been fulfilled yet in the industry. In the line chart we used to compare the two frequencies it outlines the changes in flows. From this chart we can see a college online dating site would be more desirable rather than a general online dating site. The correlation between the two questions is: 0. 694425644223694. This is a positive correlation which meaner that the questions are interrelated.

The relationship in this scenario is as participates are interested in using an online dating service they are most likely to use a dating site that is limited to college students. These results satisfy the hypothesis stated earlier. Interest (Question 2) compared to Willingness to pay (Question 6) An interesting comparison that is important towards Demonstrativeness. Mom is the interest of an online dating site and the amount that Demonstrativeness. Com should charge. This is an important comparison in making a decision towards a pricing strategy.

For this comparison the hypothesis is if the participant is interested in an online dating site the willingness to pay increases. If we focus on the frequency charts and graphs we can see there are a couple of people interested in an online dating site but are not willing to pay more than $20. 00. Demonstrativeness. Com should take this into consideration because this is their target audience and if they charge more than $20. 0 they might get a smaller amount of members than anticipated. The correlation between these two questions is 0. 81640711397355. It shows a high correlation between the two variables. This satisfies the hypothesis because it shows that as students become more interested in the dating site they will be willing to pay more. Awareness (question 1) compared with willingness to pay (question 6) Another pair of variables compared was the respondents’ awareness and their willingness to pay. The hypothesis for the relationship between these two variables is that the more aware respondents are about online dating, the more they are willing o spend.

Logically, one might assume that a group of people who are aware of a product are more likely to spend money on that product. Conversely however, this comparison does not take into account the interest that group may have in the product so respondents with varying interest levels likely yielded varying levels of willingness to pay. The hypothesis was proven inconclusive according to our correlation analysis as we determined an extremely weak, negligible -0. 092 as our correlation value. This indicated that regardless of brand awareness, students are not compelled to pay more for online dating.

Examining the frequency graph indicates that most respondents aim to pay the least they can if they decided to subscribe to an online dating service. Most respondents according to the graph are somewhat familiar with online dating services as well. This meaner that they recognize the value of the service and will likely do their research to find the cheapest service provided if desired. Experience (question 4) compared with perception (question 7) Under the hypothesis that increased experience with online dating results in an improved perception of the service, the data from questions 4 & 7 was compared.

In general a higher level of perception was not achieved with relation to experience as indicated by the low correlation value of -0. 433226654743748, proving the hypothesis invalid. This is probably due largely in part to the low number of actual users of online dating services by respondents to being with. A notable trend with reference to the frequency chart was that respondents were concerned for their safety indicating the preference of a required criminal background check prior to membership. Regardless of former experience, respondents’ perception of online dating is unsafe but fixable with proposed security additions.

Awareness (question 1) compared with interest (question 2) In this comparison, we will compare the awareness of social dating site from students to their interest in it. For instance, a hypothesis here could be, if a student is more aware of the social network site around them, he or she will more likely to interest in getting into the network. From the data we gathered through questionnaire, we can conclude that about 42% of the 100 questionnaires are somewhat familiar about online dating service through the use of online social network site.

However, more than 50% of those are not at all interested or not too interested through the use of online social network dating service. Therefore the hypothesis stated above is invalid due to the fact that people actually are not interested at all while knowing the existence of social dating service. Maybe perhaps they are not actually understood how it work or accepting the fact it is online which may include fraud or insecure. The hypothesis was proven inconclusive according to our correlation analysis as we determined a weak result, with about 0. 39144807 as our correlation value. This indicated that regardless of online dating service wariness, students are not interest into the use of it. Regardless with how familiar they know about it, it Just seems like a less popular tool we as a student will use in our generation and age. Awareness (question 3) compared with Experience (question 4) Here in this comparison, we will be comparing the brand awareness of online dating service site from student to the experience they might have.

The hypothesis here will be, if student have experience with the given social dating service site than they will be much more familiar with it. According to our frequency distribution data, we come to a conclusion at n 54 7% to student nave never tried any online dating service while still remain familiar with some of the online dating service available online. In such way, we know that yet some of those have never tried nor have experience about online social dating service but in the other hand they have heard about it through advertisement somewhere online.

Regardless with some of the irrelevant we could still conclude that those who experience some of the service will also in other hand more familiar or aware of the online dating service. This proven that our hypothesis is somewhat correct but not entirely. Due to the fact that these two questions being an opened ended question and answer are more vary as well as harder to compare between the two. The hypothesis was proven inconclusive according to our correlation analysis as we determined an very weak result, with about -0. 0860587 as our correlation value. This value indicated a negative correlation on regardless of the awareness in online dating service from students and their experience. Regardless with how familiar they know about it, experience is not relevant. Summary and Conclusions In conclusion this analysis has given insight into competitors in the industry of inline social dating service. The survey data provided some useful findings which will improve our client Demonstrativeness. Com to increase opportunity and expand into the college/university marketplace.

Through the analysis we can see that students are more willing to try an online dating site if it was not limited to students and those students who are more interested are willing to pay more for online dating service subscription. From this study it has been determined that our client, Demonstrativeness. Com must have a lower pricing strategy in order to succeed in implementing its new student focused dating service. In the survey students preferred a price point of $20. 00 and below, while the majority choose the lowest possible price point.

There are many students who would be interested in an online dating site geared towards college students so we believe there is a viable demand for Demonstrativeness. Com provided price point is lowered and security is improved. Also, with my client, Demonstrativeness. Com that mainly restricted their market in student only, we can conclude that student will find it much easier to actually find their other half within their own school or those that share common interest through their studies.

Yet, online social dating service is still remaining unpopular due to the fact that it is online and may contain a possibility of fraud or scam. With majority will believe it would online dating service will not be a smart tool to find our other half since it may not be true love. In return, while this market still remains small, it will provide our client the highest opportunity to enter the market and actually fight for the majority market share among the other. Bibliography Alvin C. Burns, R. F. (2012). Basic Marketing Research. In R. F. Alvin C. Burns, Basic Marketing Research. Blob of Match. Com. (2011).

Everything You Think You Know About Singles is Wrong: We separate fact from fiction with the first comprehensive study of singles in America. Retrieved from The official blob of Match. Com: http:// blob. Match. Com/2011102/04/everything-you-think-you-know-about-singles-is-wrong- we-separate-fact-from-fiction-with-the-first-comprehensive-study-of-singles-in- America/ Match. Com. (2012). Match. Com. Retrieved from Match. Com: http:// www. Match. Com/index. Asps Hyperventilation’s. (2012). Online Dating demographics. Retrieved from Hyperventilation. Com: http:// www. Hyperventilation. Com/demographics_online_dating. HTML