Gun Control

Triston EdwardsMrs Brown
Pre-AP English 10
16 May 2014
Gun Control
A truly horrible event that could happen is a five-year-old boy getting killed by his nine-year-old older brother. The nine-year-old found a loaded gun under his dads bed. He did not know the difference between toy guns and fake guns, so he pointed it at his little brother’s head and shot the gun. Guns kept in the home for self-protection are 22 times more likely to kill someone you know than to kill in self-defense(Sampson). According to Million Mom March supporters, there are more children die from gun accidents than any other accidents combined (Sampson). Guns are deadly weapon that should be banned, because guns contribute to violence, guns increase the economic costs of gun violence, and guns cause emotional distress to the citizens.
Guns provide the easiest way to kill someone and it’s more likely to produce a fatality than any other weapons (Kleck 127). One-shot from the gun can take away a person’s life in an instant second. In 1997, 32,436 people in the United States died from firearm-related deaths – 400f those were murdered; 54% were suicides; 3% were accidents; and in 1% the intent was unknown (“Firearm”). Homicides are the greatest cause of death in the U.S. and the FBI’s crime in the US estimated that 660f the 14,517 murders in 2000 were committed with guns (“Firearm”). These statistics verify that guns are the means for homicides and are used as a killing weapon. Guns only bring more violence. One single shot from a gun can take away a life, which is why suicide is easily achieved with guns. Firearms were the number one cause of completed suicide attempts. In 1997, more teenagers and young adults died from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza and chronic lung disease combined (“Firearm”). Guns give no second chance; it is a simple, quick, and efficient way to kill. “Handguns are unforgiving, they offer no second…

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