
Dubbo, NSW – Case study
Sense of community
Dubbo is an old city located 415km north-west of Sydney, where it is first created as a village in 1849, and then in 1966 Dubbo was proclaimed a city. Dubbo has a strong sense of community, in terms of occupying a shared space, and also having a shared social organisation. The total population of Dubbo is 32,327 people (2011 census), and the median age is 35 years old. Around 89.6% of the population are born in Australia, although they have different ancestries, where 37.1% are Australian, 29.9% are English, and small quantity of Irish, Scottish, and German. Dubbo has a relatively high Indigenous population compared to the standard, where 9.7% (2011) of the population are Indigenous people. In Dubbo people are involved in the main industries including tourism, retail, manufacturing, agriculture, and business services. Socially, Dubbo has well developed community facilities in entertainment, education and health, such as shopping centres, healthcare centres, schools and universities. Dubbo hosts a lot of entertaining events annually, which makes Dubbo into the most entertaining tourism destination, such as the Carnival of The Animals street parade, the Dubbo Multicultural festival, and the annual agriculture show. Dubbo is also a sport active community, including rugby league, netball, hockey, and the Ultimate Frisbee, the Ultimate Frisbee is a new sport which is rapidly spreading its popularity in to the city. The Dubbo Ultimate Frisbee Federation (DUFF) is the local club who organises local competition.
Factor causing change – Two
Dubbo is experiencing population growth because has improved access to larger shopping centres, services and job opportunities for people within the region. Thus people moves from the other rural-declining towns to Dubbo, in search of job opportunities, and also a higher living standard. Population growth also results in the need to build more public facilities like schools, shopping…

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