
Event Summary | Date Place | Evaluation/ Success? |
Linda’s father, Oliver Brown and thirteen other parents tried to enroll their students into a white elementary school close to where they lived but were turned down due to being African America. | 1951 | 17th of May 1954, after 3 years the case was finally concluded. Court finding was in favor of Linda Brown and other African Americans. |
Sit Ins: Is a tactic of non violent civil disobedience. No sit in without a purtpose | | They had an impact from the very first sit in. Although it was slow, the sit-ins provoked the type of reaction that they wanted. By February the 7th, there were 54 sit – ins throughout the South in 15 cities and 9 states |
Montgomery Bus Boycott: black citizens to ride in the back section of city buses. Mrs Parks refused to move to the back and got arrested. Arrest gave leaders in Montgomery black community an opportunity to stage a protest against the citys segregation law | December 1st 1955 | ? of bus riders at the time were Af. Am, leading boycott caused the city transit system serious economic distress. Bus segregation was removed. |
Brimingham Marches, 5 protests. Argued that people had the right to disobey unjust laws but needed to accept that they may be put into prison. A lot of children and teenagers were called to protest and then kind was arrested on the 12th of april for 8 days. Protest 2: After the kings release 1000 school students went and protested with 90% arrested. Protest 3. 2500 people, police responded with clubs, attack dogs, firefighters used high pressure hoses to knock people over. Protest 4, African americans staged their own protest, police refused to obey chief of police’s order to turn on the high pressure hoses again. Protest 5, J. Jennedy asked congress to pass more civil right laws, activists were shot outside his house in Mississippi, African American organized a march | 5 differet protests. | Government passed a proposed bill on civil…

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