
Cricket has ruled the hearts of people all over the world. Where there is cricket, Presidents, Prime minister and tycoons, all turn into fans. Even the newspapers and news channels can no longer remain aloof from this fact and have accepted cricket as an integral part of there process.
Early realization of this is already paying dividends. If in the coming days the sports page is seen in the form of cricket columns then it will not be a surprise package because currently as 3/4th of the sports page is more or less occupied by the tit bits of cricket.
Special time is allocated to the cricket news with different set of sponsors and all other games are grouped together, separately. This game has so much to talk about, so much to think about that even the news channel cannot escape its magic. Do share your views on the game of Cricket in the below given comment system. Craze courage, fear, fantasy, win….. and the list goes and on, of words that have found entry in the cricket lexicon.
What do these words signify in their association with the world of cricket? Craze to grab the accessories of the favorite cricketers, courage to defer the important activities when one knows the load of work pending can prove fatal if not done in time, fear of losing the match when six runs are required on the lost ball, fantasy of imagining oneself among the names in the world of cricket is in nerves.
We watch cricket six months in a year and talk about it for the next six months. Have we ever bothered so much of any other sport? Have we ever given a thought to the fact that compels a person to take interest in every bit of information on the day of match from reporting pitch conditions to the presentation? Some answered and some unanswered. Keeping aside intellectual reasons for the time being, we will realize that so much cricket has surpassed all possibilities for reasons. It is mania! Craze.
For some people it is an obsession, it’s a way of life, it’s a passion. Others enjoy…

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