
A market survey refers to research that is done to gather information that is associated to market value and client appreciation of products and services. It is done to see how changes in the product affect consumer behaviour. It provides a marketer with current information on trends of commodities in the market and how to get ahead of the competition.
Our market survey is based on Hamam soap, a brand owned by Hindustan Unilever (HUL).
Company Profile:
Hindustan Unilever (HUL) is the largest fast moving consumer goods(FMCG) company, a leader in home & personal care products and foods & beverages. HUL’s brands are spread across 20 distinct consumer categories, touching lives of every 2 out of 3 Indian.It has employee strength over 15000 & 1200 managers. It has created widespread network through its 2000 suppliers & associates. There 75manufacturing locations in India itself. It caters its wide range of products to 6.3million outlets. It has market capitalization of 11.5billion.
Milestones achieved
• Five of HUL’s leading brands – Lux, Dove, Hamam, Pears, Clinic Plus and Sunsilk – won the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand 2008Awards.
• Four HUL brands featured in the top 10 list of the Economic Times Brand Equity’s Most Trusted Brands 2008 survey
• HUL was awarded the Bombay Chamber Civic Award 2007 in the category of Sustainable Environmental Initiatives.
• HUL was selected as the top Indian company in the FMCG sector for the Dun & Bradstreet – American Express Corporate Awards2007.HISTORY OF HAMAM
Hamam is a brand of soap made in India and marketed by Hindustan Unilever , the Indian unit of Unilever . The name comes from the Arabic/Persian/Hindi word Hammam which refers to a public bathing establishment in the middle-eastern countries. It was launched in 1934 and is a leading product in its category.
Launched in 1931…

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