Abortion Should Be Illegal

Abortion is murder no matter when a person believes life becomes official. Potential life has ended before given chance remains evidence why a person should never have a choice of whether a baby lives or dies. There are many reasons abortion should be illegal including the descriptive and disturbing stories about how aborted babies sometime scream as they come out and the looks of pain on their faces. These facts alone should convince anyone to eliminate the idea of pregnancy termination out of their mind.
The health threat to the mother after going through with the procedure as well as the lifelong health risks that remain should be good enough reasons abortion should be illegal. With the rising healthcare costs and instance of disease greater than the medical ability to solve the problems. Self induced problems such as voluntary termination of pregnancy leads to complications for future pregnancies, reproductive disease, and depression. Understanding that abortion is murder aids a woman in making healthy decisions for baby and mother. Though a mother may not want her baby, God chooses many couples to be available for adopting these children by way of impotence by one or both people.
Abortion is murder no matter when a person believes life begins. The seed that God plants should never be taken for granted or misused. These actions result in distress for not only the pregnant woman, but also her family. Though she may not tell anyone, eventually the truth reveals itself through circumstance, guilt, or mistake. One of the most important reasons abortion should be illegal beyond the fact that it terminates life is that most women have regret and life complications due to this action.
Many government programs exist in order to empower, protect, and support women with unplanned pregnancies. There are many reasons a woman may have an unplanned pregnancy, but none justify terminating the pregnancy. Understanding the biology of the developing fetus further allows…

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