
Ryan Svatos
Per 4
Bengal TigersIt is estimated the total population of the Bengal Tiger is below 2,000. The most recent audit by the Indian Government’s National Tiger Conservation Authority has estimated the number at just 1,411 wild tigers, a drop of 60% in in the past decade. Since 1972, there has been a massive wildlife conservation project, known as Project Tiger, to protect the Bengal tiger. Despite increased efforts by Indian officials, poaching remains rampant and at least one Tiger Reserve has lost all their tiger population to poaching.
The Bengal Tiger is found in parts of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Burma. The habitat is varied grasslands, subtropical and tropical rainforests, wet and dry forests and mangroves. In some areas there has been a problem with the bengak tiger eating livestock as well. Humans continue to try to live in these areas that used to be home for tigers. Now they know why the animals they are raising become meals for them. Many of these ranchers engage in the illegal killing of tigers too so they can protect their savings in such livestock.Physical appearance may vary slightly depending on geographic area. The Bengal Tiger is the second largest of all living tiger subspecies. The male tigers can weigh from 450-550 pounds and the females can get up to 310 pounds. The head and body of a male tiger measures 6 to 9 feet in length. Its tail may grow as long as 3 feet. Its shoulder height may measure up to 3 feet. The maximum length of the skull may be around 10 to 15 inches. A female Bengal tiger may grow to a length of 5 to 6 feet in length (only head and body). Its tail is may be around 2 to 3 feet long. Standing at a shoulder height of around 2.5 feet, female Bengal tigers may weigh around 250 to 450 pounds. Their maximum skull length may be about 8 to 12 inches…

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