what it means to be civilized

What it mean to be civilized humanIn the beginning there was said to be nothing just emptiness forever and ever then…BANG! Millions to billions years later came us as a community of humans living together and taking each day at a time. Year after year the average human has to face a certain situation or problem that he or she has to overcome. It can be paying bills at a certain time it could be trying to fix your finances and bank accounts but the biggest one that affects people the most is having problems with people face to face on a relationship level. These kinds of problems vary with different kinds of people though it can shape your overall attitude on how you treat other people that you don’t actually know. In any kind of community that general attitude and how you treat people should be with kindness and respect however as time goes on civilization changes technology changes, and the people’s attitudes towards one another changes to as well. While during this time we as people tend to forget what it means to be a person in public or what it means to be civilized towards the outer society. Though the world around us may change what remains strong and true to each person is having respect towards one another and being nice occasionally to the average stranger. This can be one of the most important things in life because everything in this world that we perceive through our eyes is temporary even us but the relationships that we form with people leave a huge impact lasting generations to generations. To truly be a civilized person mean to believe in something more than yourself resulting in respect for people and having a determined outlook on life. To understand this one was first know the do’s and don’ts of life
With each person comes alive and it’s understandable that each person had or have problems of our own in our personal lives whether it be tiny or small we’ve all dealt with a certain situations that affected us in a kind of way. And…

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