The Eugenic Model

The Eugenic Model in A.J. Withers “Disability Politics & Theory” stands on the belief that human evolution can occur by encouraging the breeding of people considered “fit” and the discouraging the breeding of people considered “unfit”. This model trusts that this selective breeding can shape human’s evolution in many positive ways. Thusly, there are several ways of achieving eugenics goals. Undesirable “unfit” individuals are termed as negative eugenics and desirable “fit” specimens are called positive eugenics. There are ways to apply passive eugenics to the disabled including control or coercion of reproduction. There is also active eugenics that forced eugenics on people in ways such as “sterilizations, and prohibitions in marriage, segregation and murder” (Withers, 2012, p. 13). In the eugenic model, disabled people are considered unfit; unfit to live and be a part of society and unfit to exist. It is believed that the “unfit” class created the basis for present day’s idea of what is unfit. Women, racialized people, homosexuals, the poor and the working class. These are all seen as unfit today were all considered disabled under eugenics. All of these traits seemed to be physical aspects and were thought to be naturally inheritable. It was believed by eugenicists that the termination of disability would edge society into a more productive and less troubled direction. Eugenics justified the power imbalance as well as the injustices and inequalities that were emerging following capitalism and colonialism. The “unfit” were considered unfit for lack or little in the means of productivity. Eugenics explained racism and poverty as genetic injustices instead of social, economic or political inequalities. It is said that some of the eugenic mindsets are still present today.
According to a YouTube video called “Stupid People Shouldn’t Have Kids” Avenger772 stated a fear for the human race on the grounds of how all the “smart” people are going to die out. He explained…

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