Summer Reading

Summer Reading Essay Deadline Hannah Campbell Deadline Essay The note said, “It wasn’t an accident. ” The so called “accident” that killed Sake’s best friends turns into a question that Jake is desperate to find answers to. At this rough time in his life, Jake must deal with making a difficult choice. Jake is forced to deal with pressure when he meets suspicious FBI agents. He is convinced that they need one another to solve their respective mysteries, but they leave Jake wondering what their mystery really is.

This is difficult for Jake considering he doesn’t know anything bout these men. Because Jake is clueless about their problem, he makes the difficult decision to trust them and agrees not to collaborate with a detective he relies on and trusts with his life. The choice that Jake carelessly makes, shows that he is desperate to find answers to the mystery. Jake is taken advantage of because he is clueless about who they are, and turns out the hard choice Jake made, was the wrong one. Sake’s confidence about who to trust is broken when he ends up in a life or death situation.

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Jake starts to get too close to answering the mystery. He finds out the truth and Jake must fight for his life. Strange agents claim they need Sake’s help and that puts him in an uncomfortable situation, where he makes the wrong choice. He then realizes that the accident was never really an accident. Sake’s actions cause him to block out a trust worthy friend, as well as getting trapped in his wrong decisions. He gets too close to answers and almost loses his life. Jake put confidence in who he met instead of trusting what he knew.

In the end, Jake was saved by the friend he decided not to trust. Hannah Campbell Wednesday, September 4, 2013 PM Eastern Daylight Time By Jake encountering strange people who want his help, Jake deals with pressure. – Jake meets suspicious FBI agents, that convince Jake they need one another to solve their respective mysteries, but Jake never analyzed what decision was the right one to make. – Choosing to trust these FBI members, Jake must deal with agree not to collaborate with a detective he really knows and trust.

Because Jake decides to trust strange people, Jake shows how desperate he is to find answers. Jake believes trusting these men will help him find Doc and Fineness killer, but turns out they were not the right people to trust. – Because Sake’s decision about who to trust changes, Jake ends up in a life or death situation. – These FBI agents appear to be providing protection for Jake, but instead they use Sake’s sleuthing to figure out the mystery for themselves. All along Jake has felt someone has been watching him, but maybe they were for all the wrong reasons.

FBI agents comfort Jake by telling him they are providing retention for him, but instead they use Sake’s own sleuthing to figure out part of the mystery for themselves. As Jake gets closer to the answers, FBI agents ensure Jake everything is okay when they lead him in the middle of no where and Jake is faced with a life or death situation. Someone he knew wanted him or his friends killed. Jake gets closer to unlocking the mystery when he is put in a dangerous situation. Detective Chandler saves the day in the end. He knew something about Sake’s attitude was fishy.

As Jake lays in the hospital talking to Detective Chandler, Jake recaps the sat few months and realizes Chandler was always the one who would have his back. Jake encounters strangers claiming to be FBI agents who want his help. Choosing to be influenced by them shows how desperate he is to find answers. – Choosing to trust the negative causes Jake to fade away from what would have truly helped him. Jake chose to trust strange people who convince Jake they need one another to solve their respective mysteries. In this situation, Jake deals with pressure, by choosing not to analyze what decision to make.