rome and juliet

To Love or Not to Love
The more you give, the more you get back, that’s how love works. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are constantly giving their affections of true love to each other. One of many times Romeo shows affection towards Juliet, he goes to her balcony following the party where they were first acquainted. This displays his love for her because Romeo does not know how Juliet really feels about him, but still goes. This is also an extremely risky act, because if someone sees him he will be killed. Romeo is not the only one making sacrifices for their love; Juliet gives multiple sacrifices for him as well. When Juliet learns about plans for her marriage to Paris, she panics. She immediately sees death as the only solution to be able to stay faithful to Romeo. Instead of putting Romeo through the pain of her death, she takes a sleeping potion to avoid her marriage to Paris. Sadly not learning of the death being a fake, Romeo is devastated and takes his own life when he hears of Juliet’s death. In the end, both Juliet and Romeo take their lives due to their desperate love. When Juliet wakes and sees Romeo has killed himself she cannot bare it, and recreates his action by taking her life. In closing, Romeo and Juliet, no matter how desperate the situation, were willing to give everything for their love of one another. Romeo and Juliet are also some of the best people i know in my whole life! I know that whatever they do in their life it will be great! (even though they are dead now)

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