Questions with Answers

Explain the techniques used by Benjamin to explore the role race played in the lives of elite African Americans. What did Benjamin find? Answer: Studying the African American Elite Sociologist Lois Benjamin used survey research method to investigate the effects of racism on talented African American men and women. A survey is a research method in which subjects respond to a series of statements or questions in a questionnaire or an interview. Survey research is usually descriptive rather than explanatory.

Surveys are directed at populations, the people who are the focus of research. Random sampling is commonly used to be sure that the sample is actually representative. Surveys may involve questionnaires, a series of written questions a researcher presents to subjects. Questionnaires may be closed-ended or open-ended. Most surveys are self-administered and must be carefully protested. Benjamin was surprised of how many subjects responded to her request for an interview.

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Benjamin concluded that despite the improving social standing of African Americans, black people in the United States still suffer the effects of racial hostility. 2. What is the role of the family, school, peer group and media on development? Which is most important? Why? Answer: The family is the most integral part of every individual’s upbringing, thus one of the most important agencies of colonization. The family has the power to influence an individual’s self-concepts, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors.

The school enlarges children’s social world to include people with backgrounds different from their own. Peer groups are made up of people with similar ages and statuses in society. This group also sets the norms and values by which the individual must abide. Children learn how to form relationships on their own among their peers, and it also lets children escape the direct supervision of peers so they are able to be comfortable and mingle on their own.

The mass media, which serve as the medium of communication, is one of the agencies of colonization. Through the mass media, individuals are able to learn and adopt new lifestyles and behaviors which, at the end, become a convention in society. An example of would be fashion, or video games. I feel that family would have to be the most important because I was always taught that the things you need to know for later on in life should always start at home first.

Because the teachings that a child receives at home will always be with them no matter what happens. 3. Apply Irving Saffron’s Dramatically Analysis to your own work place. Be specific with your examples. If you do not work provide another application. Answer: If I had to apply Dramatically Analysis to my work place I would have to say that with performance: Since I work in an office setting I have to dress professional, and my demeanor have to be very professional and office like.

Nonverbal communication: Since I work at the front desk I deal with new and old clients, answer phones, fax papers and sometime assist in the back with the owner which meaner I cannot always talk to people all the time so sometimes if they need to sign in I would point to the sign in clip board or if I am on the phone taking care of a customer I will send a signal saying that I will be with them in a second so that is how I use nonverbal communication.

Idealization: It a client comes in and wants to know what the prices of our services and then decides to change their minds, I will talk with them about what their options are and then they would decide to cooperate (influence). 4. Using your own life, apply Hirsch Control Theory to explain your lack of deviant behavior. Cover each of his four elements. Answer: Attachment: Since I am very close to my mom, all the decisions that I make or have made even as a little girl was based round whatever she said and thought.

Commitment: I am very interested and committed to getting an education and saving money for the future. Involvement: right now in my life I am involved in Just about everything. I am youth pastor at the church so my Job is to work with the youth and mentor sometimes on weekends, I teach dance sometimes during the week, and I am involved in professional choirs. So with all of this going on I don’t have time for trouble. Beliefs: I believe that we are one which meaner everyone should be treated equal.