
In this day and age you see technology everywhere, but as a student and a future teacher how much are we using in our daily lives, and how much access do students have to use technology to complete various activities that is assigned to them. For myself I use technology every day. I have a smartphone with the latest applications that I always have on me. I have a laptop that I take with me to school to study and complete assignments. I also have an iPad, IPod touch, desktop computer, and access to the internet at home.
I remember when I was in elementary school, it was the first time I really got into technology. We would have computer lab once a week to learn simple programs such as Microsoft Word and Paint. It was a luxury for a class to have a classroom computer.
In this day and age you see technology everywhere, but as a student and a future teacher how much are we using in our daily lives, and how much access do students have to use technology to complete various activities that is assigned to them. For myself I use technology every day. I have a smartphone with the latest applications that I always have on me. I have a laptop that I take with me to school to study and complete assignments. I also have an iPad, IPod touch, desktop computer, and access to the internet at home.
I remember when I was in elementary school, it was the first time I really got into technology. We would have computer lab once a week to learn simple programs such as Microsoft Word and Paint. It was a luxury for a class to have a classroom computer.
In this day and age you see technology everywhere, but as a student and a future teacher how much are we using in our daily lives, and how much access do students have to use technology to complete various activities that is assigned to them. For myself I use technology every day. I have a smartphone with the latest applications that I always have on me. I have a laptop that I take with me to school to study and complete…

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