Nature vs. Nuture

Nature vs. Nurture
Schizophrenia is a personality disorder that is severe chronic disorder that affects the brain. Scientists believe that nature vs. nurture play a big part in schizophrenia, where it has gene and external environmental factors that can combine and he or she can develop the schizophrenia disorder. To understand schizophrenia lots of research is done in the study of twins that suffer from this disorder and this paper is going to examine a case study of 19 year old males labeled (A) and (B) that suffer from schizophrenia and the findings of that study. It will also examine the background of a person with schizophrenia, the role of nature vs. nurture, and influences that affect a person in developing schizophrenia.
Background with Person Diagnosed with Schizophrenia
A person diagnosed with schizophrenia has a severe brain disorder that is chronic. People can hear voices, think people are controlling their thoughts, can read their mind, and think people are against them and trying to harm or ruin them. Sometimes they are hard to understand when they talk and may not speak and sit alone for hours. Others diagnosed with schizophrenia can seem completely normal until they discuss their thoughts. Common in people with schizophrenia are anger, agitated, delusions, disruptions in normal emotions and behaviors, and hallucinations.
Role of Nature vs. Nurture in Schizophrenia
Nature is the genes a person is born with and nurture is the external influences in his or her environment from conception and onward. The genetic susceptibility for he or she having schizophrenia can combine with environmental stressors that can be a result in a person developing schizophrenia. Nature and nurture have a significant role in the development of schizophrenia, but what degree is not completely understood by scientists to this day. Schizophrenia can have an analysis to have a multifactorial mode of inheritance. This disorder can have several genetic and non-genetic…

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