Mountain Hazelnuts

Mountain Hazelnuts 1. What are the core competencies of Mountain Hazelnuts? Which are the ones that are sustainable for long-term competitiveness 2. Explain how Mountain Hazelnuts designed its value chain from tissue culture to distribution and sales (i.e., whether to own the operation in-house or outsource it, and where the operation was carried out), in light of the core competencies you identiufied in Question 1.
3. What incentives alignment strategies are in place to ensure that the governmenr, farmerds, investors, and company can all win in this enterprise 4. What are the biggest risks to the success of Mountain Hazelnuts? How would you mitigate those risks
Answers: 1.1
|External core competencies: |Internal core competencies: |
|goverment support. Because: |No charge for farmers. This company provide no charge trees. |
|a.Reduce rural to urban migration |So there is no cost for farmer. Farmers can |
|b. 20% free cash flow be put into a Hazelnut Trust |They can traine more |
|Evoriment good impact and benefit |Purchase at a quarantee price. |
|No corruption in Bhutan because everyone knows eachother. |High valued. Interal rate of return is 51% about Hazelnut( |
|The society is tight-knit relationship. |Walnut is 16%,Orange is 31%,apple is 18%) |
|Increase income of poor farmers. Spitzer provided the early |Stable purchasing price for farmers. |
|funding. | |
|Funder’s financial support. |Establish 2 major market, one is China the other is Europen. |

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