Moral Dilemma

Police Administrators are faced with making administrative decisions that not only impact the lives of police officers, but also the lives of police administrators themselves. Police Administrators have to meet the challenge of effectively managing the police department through effective operating strategies versus balancing the needs of their officers. They are faced with challenging decisions each day.

Discipline is the cornerstone of any police agency and is used to uphold the integrity and character of the police department. As an Assistant Chief over a Patrol Bureau I am expansible for effectively managing my bureau, which includes disciplining officers who violate department policy. Recently a very good friend of mine, who is also a police officer, was transferred to a division within my bureau. The officer and I were actually in the same police academy class together and graduated many years ago.

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He is also a childhood friend of mine and our families know each other very well. I rose to the rank of Assistant Chief while my friend has stayed a patrol officer throughout his career. I am currently faced with disciplining my friend for police conduct. He has a history of violating department policies and other infractions. He is also known for cheating on his wife. Recently my friend was arrested for public intoxication after a night of celebrating with a female friend.

Following his arrest he was able to post bond that same night. In accordance with department procedure following the arrest of an officer, the officer was placed on administrative leave (suspension) with pay, pending the outcome of an internal investigation. His wife called me and asked why he was placed on administrative leave. Apparently my reined did not tell her all of the details surrounding his administrative suspension.

Should I be the one to tell the wife about the arrest of my friend or should I try and convince him to come clean and tell his wife the complete truth? If I tell the wife, she will ask several questions and the information about the female friend will come out. Additionally, if I decide to tell her, the relationship between my friend and I will become estranged. On the other hand if I choose not to tell her she will eventually find out after my friend receives department discipline and then it’s biblically broadcasted on the news and put in the newspaper.